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Painted Brain | Digital Literacy
We're bridging communities and changing the conversation about mental illness using arts and media.
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Digital Literacy For Transitional Age Youth

Partnered with Step Up and Daniel’s Places

Digital Literacy Program

Since 2014, Painted Brain Tech has been fostering a community of techies living with mental health challenges. If your agency is looking to support the development of high-level trade skills in Information Technology and Digital Marketing, bring our Technical Peer-Led Workshops to your center and enrich your community. Online coding programs, colleges, and boot camps are costly and not always practical for individuals living with mental illness to find the time and supportive services to learn.


Our mission is to empower young adults living with mental illness and equip them with technical skills that will distinguish them in the job market and provide a sense of occupational identity.

Daniel's Place and Support From Google

We’re excited to have the support from Google, thanks to the Google Grant as well as the support from Alen Zamanyan, a software engineer and recruiter at Google. We’re thrilled to expand our impact with our digital education workshop series running at Daniel’s Place.

Experiential Learning

Our unique workshops combine experiential opportunities with alternative educational modalities and are further enhanced by Painted Brain occupational therapists, who ensure an optimal learning environment through expertise in sensory processing and performance in everyday tasks.

coding for mental healthTAY-5 Module Tech Workshop

Coding group at Painted Brain with CodiePieInc

This is a digital education program for Transitional Age Youth based at Step Up’s Daniel’s Place in partnership with Painted Brain: CodiePie and Proficia who are providing the training and is supported by a generous grant from the Del E. Webb Foundation.

The program consists of five 8-week sessions that progress from general computing “power user” skills for life and career, to specific marketable skills in social media and coding. It is designed to accommodate participants beginning at different levels of proficiency while challenging all to advance their skills to the next level, increasing employability for all.

The program integrates mental health support and community building in the context of cutting-edge technical training.

Coding For Mental Health

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Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy